News, Salesforce, Tech

Salesforce Has a Branding Problem

If you stopped ten people along your stroll for a bite to eat and asked them what Salesforce does, there’s a pretty good chance that they wouldn’t have the first idea what to say.

“Do they sell stuff?”

“Do they provide sales reps?”

Not a lot of people know what Salesforce actually does for companies on a daily basis. Fortunately, Salesforce understands this and released a marketing campaign to remedy this exact problem.

“While our brand is strong, we learned that the rapid expansion of CRM outside of Salesforce automation combined with the fast-changing technology landscape means people still don’t understand well enough what we do.”

Salesforce’s ticker symbol being CRM also doesn’t help much, as the entire platform is much more than a customer relationship management software. What if Amazon’s ticker symbol was BOOK? Doesn’t really sum up the entirety of what they’ve morphed into, right?

We hit a bit of a tangent, but Salesforce would have liked you to answer the question above simply with, “We bring companies and customers together.” This tenant is the new core value proposition of the campaign.

Within this intonation of success lies three pillars: product, people, and planet; the brand’s new overarching focal points.


Since Salesforce’s inception this mantra has been true in their quest for large, enterprise clientele, however, the focus has quickly shifted to businesses of all sizes, allowing everyone to take advantage of technological solutions that were only available to those with heaps of capital to spare.

In today’s tech world, (AKA Salesforce) these tools are available on-demand with an infinite amount of customization. Needs are met and the superfluous can be easily cut away without having to deal with heaps of customer service reps or an IT team that speaks some alien dialect that no one understands.


Not only is the platform transforming businesses directly, but it’s also created a whole new economy amongst countless employment opportunities via Salesforce tools. What’s even better is anyone can learn as much as they can take in through Trailhead, Salesforce’s own online university.

As much as 3.3 million jobs are on track for delivery by the end of 2022 throughout Salesforce’s international “ecosystem,” with above average compensation. The tech tools available within the platform are improving daily, alongside the available human capital to run them properly.


Rather than many companies having their own cloud computing resources and facilities, Salesforce is able to share both resources and facilities amongst a “multi-tenant” cloud computing setup, creating economies of scale.

This is just one example of the platform’s initiative to a cleaner and greener planet, as -people and businesses want to work with those who set great examples for the rest of the professional world. If your neighbor’s lawn is impeccable, you’ll definitely get some inspiration to water the yard. Salesforce is that neighbor.

Overall, Salesforce is itching to get everyone from executives and the c-suite to a random passersby on the street to understand its comprehensive services actually do for its clients. Feats like being a top ten B2B brand, acquiring data analytics companies like Tableau, or being an automation machine are all impressive doings, but what does the company really do?

Salesforce brings companies and customers together.

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