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Overcome Your Organization’s Problems in Four Phases

As businesses grow and evolve, they will encounter various challenges and problems that require effective solutions to maintain success. Whether it’s a communication breakdown between teams, lack of innovation, or outdated, inefficient technology, these problems can seriously hinder progress and decrease company productivity. However, with the right approach and strategy, businesses can overcome obstacles in their way and streamline their operations. In this blog, we will discuss the four phases of problem solving that Oppty can help businesses through. 

Why Problem Solving Is Essential for Smaller Businesses

Problem solving is an important component of business success at all levels. However, smaller businesses often face more challenges with innovation and technology compared to larger organizations. This is because they usually have limited resources such as funding, manpower, and time, which makes it a struggle to invest in and leverage technologies to find innovative solutions.

Additionally, small businesses may have limited access to specialized knowledge and expertise required to implement new processes. This can lead to a lack of awareness about the latest innovations, slow adoption of new technologies, and even resistance to change.

Despite these challenges, it’s essential for small businesses to address technology and innovation challenges as they come. Failing to do so can take away your company’s competitive edge, as 84% of organizations surveyed by Oracle report using at least one emerging technology, such as artificial intelligence, to enhance finance and supply chain operations. Being able to adapt and implement innovative change is a key driver of success and growth in today’s digital world. 

The Four Phases of Problem Solving

Phase One: Identification Zone

The first step in solving any type of problem is to clearly identify it. It’s crucial to understand the underlying causes and the extent of the problem to begin devising an effective solution. If you identify and address the root causes of the problem, it will help prevent the problem from occurring again in the future. This is the part of the problem solving process when we ask ourselves “why?”

Oppty helps businesses through this phase by conducting a comprehensive assessment of the organization’s technological and innovation needs. Through this process, we can identify the problem areas and help gain insight on how to address them for smoother business operations. 


Phase Two: Invention Zone

Once the problems and their causes have been identified, the next phase is to develop a plan for a solution. This involves thinking outside the box to develop metrics, insights, and solutions that can help your business overcome its identified problems.

This is a great time to involve multiple people in the process as having different perspectives can produce innovation approaches to solve problems. Oppty assists companies through this phase by developing a customized solution that caters to their specific needs. We work alongside businesses every step of the way to develop a process that is both efficient and cost-effective. 


Phase Three: Deployment Zone

After the solution has been developed, it’s time to deploy the process. A key consideration in this phase is how the solution will be monitored. This is why it’s crucial to define what success looks like during step two of the process so you know exactly what to measure for.

For example, if your business was experiencing technology issues related to internal communication, monitor and track the deployed solution to see if it has created more effective, seamless communication. The main goal of the deployment zone is to determine whether the solution was successful at automating tedious tasks that were eating up at company time.

During this phase, our team will ensure an easy deployment process by providing constant support and accelerating your company towards efficient business operations. We will take every step necessary to ensure that the solution is properly integrated into your organization and that employees are educated and trained to use it effectively.


Phase Four: Optimization Zone

The final phase is to observe the results and further enhance processes. This involves analyzing the effectiveness of solutions and making any necessary adjustments. Oftentimes, you will find that the solution did improve operations, but perhaps not as much as you would have expected. If that’s the case, Oppty will provide ongoing support by refining the solution and supply recommendations for improvement. We will ensure that solutions meet your organization’s needs and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. 

Prepare Your Business for the Future With Unique, Innovative Solutions

Today’s business world is rapidly evolving making it essential to prepare for an innovative future. Businesses that fail to adapt to changing technologies and market trends risk losing their competitive edge. With the support of Oppty, you can help close the gap between people and technology and optimize your company’s internal processes for seamless operations. If you’re interested in learning how to prepare your business for the future with unique, innovative solutions tailored to your needs, please contact us today. 

Let's Grow
Let's Grow